Other Activities

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch! Good company and yummy food always brings BIG SMILES!!!

Zane Trace Button Club

The Zane Trace Button Club was founded in 1960 to promote the sudy and preservation of buttons, their history, purpose, and design. The group meets in the Trinway Room. Dues are only $2.50 per year, and at each meeting you'll see fabulous and intriguing buttons from long ago and learn about their history, construction, and preservation as miniature works of art.

PERI (Public Employee Retirees, Inc.)

If you are a member of OPERS, PERI is an advocacy group that works to represent your interests to them, and to the state government. PERI meets the first Thursday of the month at 11:30 in the Dresden Room.

Foster Grandparents

Since 1972 the COAD Foster Grandparent Program has been providing meaningful volunteer services opportunities to men and women age 55 years and older working with both children and youth who are in need.

Volunteers are placed in a variety of settings such as schools, Head Start Programs, daycare centers, MR-DD programs, juvenile justice facilities, hospitals and libraries.

Every day in the communities we serve, COAD Foster Grandparent Volunteers are the people children in need depend on for love, wisdom and support. Foster Grandparents help children develop the skills, confidence and strength to succeed in life. Foster Grandparents make their neighborhoods and communities stronger by helping children with special and exceptional needs achieve their goals.


See calendar for Friday schedule.

Faith & Spirit

Led by Karen Linser of the JEVA Ministry, which is a custom designed Christian wellness and spiritual enrichment experiences for strong body, focused mind and faithful spirit. The meeting typically include a craft with a spiritual message, along with a devotional and/or prayer.


A trick taking game with trump, played by four players in teams of two. The game is played over several rounds until one team scores 10 points.


Bridge is a four-player partnership trick-taking card game with thirteen tricks per deal. Players bid how many tricks they can win and the goal is to successfully estimate how many tricks one’s partnership can take.

Duplicate Bridge

Duplicate bridge is a variation of contract bridge where the same set of bridge deals are played by different competitors, and scoring is based on relative performance.

Everyday Opportunities

Billiards, Library (with books & puzzles), Wii Bowling.

Our Partners

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