Home Bound Meals

Home-delivered meals are available to those seniors aged 60 and over who qualify. If you are interested in signing up for home-delivered meals, please contact our Outreach Specialist. An in-home assessment will be scheduled with you to approve your eligibility.

Our home-delivered meal routes are scheduled daily for delivery of meals to homebound individuals throughout Muskingum County. The Center is a certified Passport provider. The Center wants to remind all home-delivered meal clients that we do not make extra visits to your home asking you to pay for your meals.

Home delivered meal clients can help the Center save food, gas, and money. If you are not going to be home to receive your meal, please call our Nutrition department at (740) 969-6189 before 9:00 AM to let us know.

Qualifications For Home-Delivered Meal Program

According to the Ohio Department of Aging a person qualifies for home delivered meals if they meet all the following requirements:

  • Must be 60 years of age or older
  • Unable to prepare his or her own meals
  • Unable to participate in a congregate setting due to physical and/or emotional issues
  • Does not have a person in the home who can assist with meal preparation
  • Completes an eligibility assessment with provider on a yearly basis to prove their eligibility
  • Must be home to receive the meal when it is delivered
Muskingum County Center For Seniors Home Bound Meal Delivery

Assessment Request Form

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