Part-time meal drivers needed, M-F 8:30am - 2:30pm. Apply at Action Total Staffing - 2239 Maple Avenue.

Open Air Safari Tour at the Wilds

Join us on Tuesday, June 18 for an Open-Air Safari Tour at the Wilds. You must be registered to attend. Your ticket includes Senior Center Chaperone, a 2-hour Open-Air Safari Tour and a boxed lunch from German Farms Market. Parking will be on your own, $8 per vehicle (feel free to carpool). The tour is rain or shine, so dress accordingly. Some walking will be involved. The cost is $60** per ticket. Bring a friend or family member and make memories with us. **Fee is non-refundable unless we can sell your ticket or the trip is canceled due to lack of interest. You must arrive by 9:30 am to check in.

Open Air Safari Tour at the Wilds - Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - The Wilds
Online Registration

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